Actors in Malawi challenged to promote access to sexual and reproductive health

One of the sessions during artists training in sexual and reproductive health

THYOLO, Malawi

Centre for Solutions Journalism (CSJ) has urged artists in Malawi to  champion access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights through drama.

CSJ Executive Director Brian Ligomeka made the call on Friday at Palm Valley Lodge during the orientation of artists on Malawi’s sexual and reproductive health rights and laws.

“Government is making strides in improving sexual and reproductive health services. The provision of free family planning services, pre-natal and post-natal services are all positive steps in the right direction,” he said.

Commenting on  the proposed Termination of Pregnancy Bill, Ligomeka said government’s drafting of the proposed legislation on abortion demonstrates its commitment to reduce maternal deaths.

One of the artists making a presentation of the group work 

“With over 141,000 women and girls inducing abortions each year, most of them using poisonous substances and crude objects, the need for law reform in this area,” he said.

On the training, Ligomeka said it was important for the artists to understand well SRHR issues for them to write and perform plays that can carry right key messages.

The two-day training which covers topics on SRHR, Social and Behavioral Change Communication and Professional Acting being held at Palm Valley Lodge at Bvumbwe in Thyolo has attracted over 20 stage, radio and television actors.