The Centre for Solutions Journalism (CSJ), a non-profit human rights organisation incorporated in the African nation of Malawi runs this website. CSJ is registered with the Malawi Government, the Malawi NGO Board and the Council for Non Governmental Organisations of Malawi (CONGOMA).
We promote human rights through advocacy, civic education, community outreach programmes, stakeholders’ engagement, professional solutions journalism and behavioural change communications.
A Malawi nation in which every citizen enjoys all human rights
Our mission is to promote access to enjoyment of human rights amongst Malawians from all backgrounds
- Integrity
- Inclusiveness
- Transparency
- Equality
- Respect for Human Rights
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Human Rights
- Girl-Child Education
- Democracy & Good Governance
The objectives of Centre for Solutions Journalism are as follows:
- Advocating for conducive policy and legal reforms in the areas of human rights, education and health that will assist communities to find solutions to their developmental challenges
- Dissemination of news about best practices and offering solutions to social, economic and developmental challenges.
- Building capacity of media practitioners by supporting and organising training which centres on promotion of human rights and good governance .
- Providing a fact-based and editorially independent forum, free of bias through dissemination of human rights and good governance information.
- Building capacity of community leaders on how they can lobby for law and policy reforms; and solve human rights and good governance issues .
Capacity-building: We empower community leaders to advocate for law and policy reforms.

Content Production: We produce content for television, radios, print and online usually disseminated by our partner media houses. We disseminate success stories so that others can learn from them. We also commission journalists to write stories, features and produce documentaries.
Networking and Partnership: Disseminating best practices hinges on networking and working with partners who are implementing various policies. All our partners should strive to create a better world.
Community Involvement: We directly work with grass-root communities. Some of our projects involve working with local communities in advocacy campaigns sharing and general community empowerment.
The organisation has an independent Board of Non Executive Directors from diverse backgrounds who supervises management in project implementation.
The Management Team oversees daily operations of the centre and reports to the Board of Directors.
Our governance instruments include a number of policies.
We rely on support from various partners. We are able to achieve alot because of our relationship with various partners.
Our contacts are as follows:
Centre for Solutions Journalism
P.O. Box 30271,
Chichiri, Blantyre 3
E-mail: editor794@gmail.com