A Magistrate’s Court in eastern Malawi’s district of Zomba has jailed a 37-year-own man for 21 years for defiling his 15-year-old biological daughter.
According to Zomba Police Station prosecution witness, Evelyn Ntenje, from 2017 to 2020, the accused had been sleeping with her daughter while the wife was out to work.
In 2020, the victim became pregnant but she miscarried.
“Earlier this year, the victim became tired with what was happening and disclosed the issue to her boyfriend who later reported the matter to police,” said Ntenje.
Ntenje said the police apprehended the suspect after investigations.
Appearing before court, the rapist pleaded not guilty and denied the charge levelled against him.
However, the state paraded four witnesses who testified against him to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt.
In mitigation, horny father asked for the court’s leniency, arguing that he was a bread-winner but the State prosecution team pleaded with the court for a stiff sentence, saying the accused had the responsibility to look after the victim, but chose to violate his own responsibility.
Passing the sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe concurred with the state about the seriousness of the offence of defilement.
Michongwe, therefore, slapped the defiler with a 21 year jail term.
Sexual and reproductive health champion Penelope Kamanga has hailed the courts for meting out stiff punishment to the offender.
“This case of defilement and many others is the reason we would like the courts to continue meting out stiff sentences to all sexual predators. It is also for this reason that we would like defiled girls to access safe abortion and post abortions services in hospitals,” she said.
Kamanga said it was fortunate that after being made pregnant by her own biological father, the 15-year-old rape victim had a miscarriage without suffering physical complications. Mana/CSJ